You steer the skeleton sled by putting weight on one side to make it turn.
Athletes steer by putting pressure into the sled with the use of their shoulders, they will also use their feet kind of like rudders.
To steer the sled to the right you apply preesure to the right runner and vice versa for left.
Stop too fast? ;)
The command "whoa" is commonly used to tell sled dogs to stop.
No, stop charging and replace.
if you mean for riding a bicycle, you can't really, you have to ride with the shoelaces out of your shoes while riding or get biking shoes
Check the air filter, fuel filter. Either of these easily blocks on mower.
Check the air filter, fuel filter. Either of these easily blocks on mower.
A snowhook is a tool used by mushers in dog sled racing to anchor their sled when the team stops. It is typically a metal hook that is buried in the snow to hold the sled in place, allowing the dogs to rest without the sled moving.
you stop playing club penguin
You can, but the momentum from going down the track will make it hard.