Ice Hockey is "Hockey sobre hielo". (OHkey SObray YAYlow)
Field Hockey is "Hockey sobre hierba" (OHkey SObray YERba)
Patinage Artistique is how you say figure skating in french!
Estábamos patinaje
mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating
mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating
patinaje...i thinK?
le patinage artistique
my friends and i call it skating
I love figure skating!!
depends on who you ask. i say growing.
uhhh no. figure skating is in an ice arena...
No, a pinwheel is not a figure skating jump. It is a skating move the a group of skaters can do.
The sport figure skating was first played in 1772. A Treatise on Skating (1772) by Englishman Robert Jones, is the first known account of figure skating.