You clip your nose and shut your mouth and attempt to blow air out of your nose. Only pop your ears after you have gone deep underwater or high in the air because it hurts if you do it for no reason. Do not blow to hard or it could rupture your eardrum which cold cause hearing loss.
your ears pop your ears pop
Ears "pop" when there is a change in pressure. It is the bodys way to prevent discomfort from pressure changes.
U hear a pop in ur ears.....
When animals are on a plane, the change in air pressure can cause their ears to pop. This happens because the pressure inside their ears needs to equalize with the pressure outside, which can be uncomfortable for them.
preesure on your head
the pressure of the air
During a tornado, changes in air pressure can cause your ears to "pop." This happens as your Eustachian tubes try to equalize the pressure inside your ears with the changing external pressure.
It can be a very uncomfortable feeling when your ears will not pop. The pressure might be relieved by chewing gum, opening and closing the mouth in an exaggerated manner or by putting heat next to the ears for a few minutes.
Yes, you can pop your ears to relieve pressure during a flight by swallowing, yawning, or chewing gum. This helps equalize the pressure in your ears with the pressure in the airplane cabin.