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If you talking about recreational or fitness rollerblades, it is relatively difficult to grind with them. However, aggressive inline skates are designed specifically for the purpose of grinding or rails and boxes. They feature grindplates on both the frame (located in the middle of the wheel setup) and on the outsoles of the boot. Performing the actions takes a significant amount of practice and precision.

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15y ago

You start by practicing on a, small, safe, flat box.

A safe box isn't too high off the ground (eg 30cm and less), has a nicely shaped landing, and no gap between the jump and the box, or the downwards slope after the box.

Try to avoid practicing when the snow is hard and icy, at first.

  1. Wear a helmet.
  2. Approach the Box slowly, legs at least shoulder width apart, with your arms low.
  3. When your reach the start of the box, lightly pop (jump) onto it, rotating your legs 90 degrees, with your eyes on the end of the box.

    Leave your body and arms facing forwards, or you will continue your rotation on the box. Your legs should remain shoulder width apart, or wider.

  4. Keep your weight centered. Most people will automatically lean back when hitting the box, leading to painful experiences.

    You can avoid this by making sure you keep some weight on the inside edge of your front ski as well as on your back leg. Also keep your front arm low, by your knee if possible. If this arm comes up, you will fall backwards, onto the box.

  5. Keep your eyes focused on the end of the box. Maintain your weight in the center of your skis, with your arms low. Your legs should be bent in order to stay low.
  6. When you come to the end of the box, since your upper body is still facing forward, you can bring your legs round to face downhill again at the end of the box. If your upper body has turned sideways too, you may come off switch (backwards).
  7. Ride away, try to look nonchalant.

Rails use the same skills as boxes. If there is a gap between the rail and the ground (you have to jump up), you approach the rail from the side, and slightly ski into the rail from a sidewards angle, in order not to just slip over it. Down Rails involve adjusting your balance more to the front foot, and kinks require more technical adjustments, with your skis, knees, and upper body, to master.

You control your 'grind' with the inside edge of your front ski, allowing you to stop or start a rotation, for instance doing spins onto rails, or spinning off in a different direction to the one you jumped on.

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