This is a question that definitely shouldn't be answered on Wikianswers because if you don't have the skill (in other words, don't already know how) you NEED to learn how to from a professional, otherwise you could seriously injure, or even KILL, yourself, probably to show off to a few buddies.
If you were to dissect the mechanics of skiing you would isolate it down to 4 basic types of motion: Balance, Pressure, Rotary and Edge. To do 360's you are really only concerned with Rotary and Edge motion. To be more precise, applying ONLY Rotary and ZERO eEdge. Basically keep your skis flat and use twist the top of your body. Force the lower half of your body to follow the same motion, but try not to apply any edges to the slope. When you start to turn, if you apply the uphill edge, you will perform a hockey stop motion and likely just end up backwards. If you apply the downhill edge, you will probably fall. It might be easiest to learn this as two separate activities. Try 180's first and end up backwards. When you can do that, try starting backwards and doing 180's again so that you are forwards. With practice you will be able to connect these actions, likely applying your uphill edge in the process. With more practice you should be able to do it with less and less edge.
Yes chikens can do a backflip
"how do you do a backflip in the game pure?"
Backflip Studios's population is 25.
Motorola Backflip was created in 2010.
Aston is the one that does a backflip in JLS and Marvin does cartweels
Motorola backflip definitely
The first backflip was done in 2000 by Carey hart.
A backflip is a rotation of one's body in the opposite direction to the direction a person is facing.
backflip, rival breaks a lot.
no, mvp can't do a backflip, he tried it and failed, that's why he never does a moonsault
Technically it is but the gymnastic term for one is called a back handspring.
No. Sorry but you can only backflip on the console systems. -EPIC_XTREME_AURA