Strongest are usually the dogs CLOSEST to the sled.
Then it's second strongest and so on until the leader dog, with the most experience
Siberian husky
Up to 46 dogs are allowed in the race on one team.
The fewest dogs you can run with is at least 10. At the start of the race you must at least has 12 dogs in order to start the race
A contestant in the Iditarod usually has 12-16 dogs on their sled team at the beginning of the race. If less than 6 dogs are pulling the sled when they cross the finish line, the team will be disqualified.
I think the number is typically 16 dogs.Answer:12 to 16 dogs can start the race with at least 6 on the towline when they finish.
it is the person who controls his sled dog team in the iditarod
The actual speed of the sled dogs in the Iditarod varies from mile to mile, check point, to check point, race to race. However, the record for the fastest time any sled team has finished the Iditarod was set in 2002 by Martin Buser. He and his team completed the entire trip from Anchorage to Nome, 1,161 miles, in 8 days 22 hours 46 minutes and 2 seconds.
Dick Wilmarth won the first Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1973 with a team of 12 dogs. It took him 20 days, 49 minutes, and 41 seconds.
An iditarod is a dogsled race that takes place in Alaska. It is longest dogsled race (over 1100 miles).