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No, but it is an option.

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Q: Has any NHL team ever not taken a penalty shot when given the opportunity?
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How many penalty's have been given to man united at home against arsenal?

5 including rooneys by the way that was the worst penalty i have ever seen in my life

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This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.This was potentially the best opportunity he would ever have.

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Earthrise is the name given to a photograph of the Earth taken by astronaut ... Rowell called it "the most influential environmental photograph ever taken

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The correct grammar is "who ever becomes" "Whom" is used as a recipient, i.e. "to whom is given much" or "from whom it was taken."

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To give a test is when you receive it from whom ever, to take a test is when you answer the questions of the test

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Dont commit a crime EVER.

Has les Ferdinand ever scored a penalty kick?

No not in premership

Has dirk kuyt ever missed a penalty?

Yes 16

Has a black woman ever been sentenced to the death penalty?

Of course, death penalty are sentenced to people who have done serious crime regarless of their race

If you say yes to death penalty what will be the result?

curry is the best thing ever

Did baloteli ever miss penalty in his career?

At Inter no, at City no. He learned it from Zlatan.,,,

Should delay of game in hockey be a rule?

NO! It's so stupid. If the play was stopped for something else, it would've taken the same amount of time, so in my point of view, it's the most stupid and useless penalty EVER