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It depends on how you fall. Sometimes it just hurts a little, then you get up and continue skating, other times, depending on how you fall, you can hurt your wrists trying to catch yourself, or twist your ankle or knee. Most the time, if you don't try to go too fast or do things your not yet use to, like turning around fast, skating will be alright. Don't be afraid to try something new, you may end up being very good at it...just take it slow at first. Even if you do fall, take a quick break and when you're ready, be sure to get back at it!

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9y ago
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15y ago

Well, that depends what sort of skating your doing. If your just skating for fun, without any tricks or jumps, then you should be fine. It may hurt if you fall, or if you have knee problems, but not too badly. If you are doing harder things, such as competitive jumps and spins, then it may hurt considerbly more then if you are just skating recreationaly.

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9y ago

Figure skating doesn't hurt at all. Some of the moves are a bit difficult for example a split jump, spread eagle, flying camel. You need to be flexible. I've skated since I was a little girl now I'm a coach. You need to have strength when you have to do jump after jump after jump and spin after spin after spin its tiring! It can make you soar. Don't every sport? You need to have effort. It depends on you and your body. Falls may hurt a bit but don't worry. Recovery takes no time at all.

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14y ago

of course it does! But after falling lots you "learn how to fall." I learned how to get up from it. you get on hands and knees(you need mittens & snow pants for that) then push your self to standing! I hurt my bottom and my knees a few times from falling!

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13y ago

It depends on you skill level, but it can hurt you pretty bad if you don't do it right. With proper coaching, you'll get better but now or later everyone gets hurt.

There are elbow pads, butt pads, wrist protection and knee pads if you are afraid of falling. They even have spine protection. Don't be embarrassed to be safe.

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15y ago

Not most times, unless you have sore knees or functional problems.

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14y ago

Since the ice is very solid, when you fall, it hurts. Trust me, if you have fallen on ice, you know it hurts.

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No all skaters fall a lot.

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ice skating

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Ice skating, or if you do competitive skating it is called figure skating.

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you choose the best coach that can teach you how to fall gracefully.

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Ice skating, Because everybody has gone to the cinema. But a phew have gone Ice skating :)

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in line ice skating is where you skate in a line

Is Ice skating more popular then Figure skating?

Figure skating is a type of ice skating. It's like asking "Is a Ferrari more popular than a car?" A Ferrari is a type of car. Ice skating includes figure skating, speed skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, any type of activity where you move across the ice on skates. So, ice skating would have more participants because it includes more activities than just figure skating.