Most CD cleaners and galsses cleaners work on goggles. But make sure to read the side to make sure it's safe.
If they are designed for plastic they should not have any abrasives in them, so they should be safe, However if you are trying to remove cloudy oxidation from your thermoplastic /acrylic/ polycarbonate headlight lens they will not work.
Try soap and water and if that does not work try a CD scratch repair kit
A good all around car repair and maintenance service would be Midas. They are able to repair everything from a tiny scratch to the most damaged of cars. They will work with you to get your car up and running in your time frame.
Toothpaste will strip any factory coatings that may be on your phone. It may damage the finish. Look up the specs on your phone to see if it is coated. Many portable electronic devices have coatings on them, such as anti-scratch and anti-glare. The best way to repair them is to fill in and build up the scratches, layer-by-layer; using a repair kit that addresses coated plastics. Since coatings refract light differently (tint), results will be determined by the depth and width of the scratch and tint of the coating. Scratch Pro has a deep scratch repair system, but it also has a scratch filler, which fills in and protects against light abrasions/fuzzy marks. You can also do a search online using the plus symbol in front of fix and scratch and then add the item you want to fix. For example: +fix +scratch (item to be fixed). Or +LCD +scratch +repair etc.
Goggles provide a barrier that prevents water from distorting the swimmer's vision, allowing them to see clearly underwater. The air inside the goggles creates a flat surface for light to pass through, reducing the refractive effects that occur when light enters water, which contributes to better focusing and clarity.
Safety goggles form a barrier between your eyes and something that might damage them.
It depends if the camcorder has the physical settings to attach the lens.
The nightvision goggles, which she thinks are sunglasses.
Yes. If the lens is a EF or EF-S lens, it should work fine with the t1i
Tippman Goggles are sorta cheap so they will not be the easiest. The sides of the goggles have tabs, so just pop those out. If that does not work then take a screw driver and pry it open.
I've managed to fix touch screens that stopped working from gouges. I am not sure what was damaged on your screen, but you can look up how touch screens work in the link I will add. Also take a look at Scratch Pro repair kit.