Neither are domesticated and therefore will not act as sled dogs.
they simply retreat or if it was a mother and her pups she will fight back.their ears pull back and they show their teeth, sometimes tail between their legs and hauched over.
"yes actually wolves are preferred by huskee pullers!
people training wolves in zoos? woo! what a funny question! you have a good head to ask such a smart question. I like it.answer:people can train wolves in zoos if you pull one out.
No, they don't hurt wolves. Wolves simply shed their thick winter coats, and the fur is picked up and put into something like a bottle. I don't think any people pull the hair from wolves unless they want to be bitten.
No. If by 'snowdogs' you mean dogs that pull sledges in the snow, then definitely not. That's a HUSKIE. If you mean a dog that lives in the snow, then you are still wrong because a) Wolves aren't dogs and b) Wolves live in many environments
There is no such thing as a snow wolf, but you may be thinking of an Arctic Wolf. Arctic Wolves eat small animals such as lemmings and snow-shoe hares, and they also eat caribou and moose when the pack can pull one down. When the pack is hunting larger prey, they kill the sick and weak caribou/moose, since a sick animal can't fight. When they have killed an animal, each member of the pack will eat as much as they can, because they can't drag a large animal back to the den. When the wolves have left, scavengers such as wolverines and foxes eat the left over meat. Wolf pups drink their mothers milk until they get teeth, and then they eat food that the other wolves regurgitate. When they are old enough, they follow their parents on the hunt and eat the fresh meat with the rest of the pack.
Foxes are Related to Dogs.Foxis a common name for many species of omnivorous mammals belonging to the Canidae family.Canidae means Canine, Which is what Dogs are.And Foxes do not show the relation of the Cat Family.Unlike dogs, Cats can pull in their claws.Dogs cannot pull in their claws.
Some traditional, like the one and two foot high kick, head pull, and mouth pull others include hockey and baseball.
there are wolves
Shepherds use their rods to keep the sheep together, also to pull branches of leaves for the sheep and , pull them by their horns to keep them in the fold and to defend them from wolves, hyenas and such animals.