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Q: Can you water ski bt yourself?
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How can she like you?

bt being yourself

What is the name of the song in the BT winter deals advert with the skiing?

the theme tune to BBC's Ski Sunday by Sam Fonteyn

When did Sega Water Ski happen?

Sega Water Ski happened in 1997.

When was Sega Water Ski created?

Sega Water Ski was created in 1997.

What do you ski on?

You can snow ski or water ski, but you are always ON the same thing- skis!

Which first snow ski or water ski?

snow skiing

What age can you drive a jet ski in Washington state?

At what age can you operate a jet ski by yourself in washington state?

Does a water ski float?

they float on water when they are in motion because their mass is spread out over a greater area of water and are less dense.

Who can water ski?


What is the BT winter deals 2011 2012 song called?

The name of the song in the BT Winter Deals 2011-2012 advert is called "Pop Looks Bach." It was written by Sam Fonteyn in 1970. it is also the theme song for the show "Ski Sunday."

What song does lilwayne says ski ski lke a water gun?

the motto

Do pigions fly?

no they water ski