Not usually. Sometimes if you are doing things with other people, grabbing your own blades, or fall akwardly, you will get cut. I've been skating for 12 years and have only gotten cut once.
mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating
mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating
my friends and i call it skating
I love figure skating!!
Yeah obv they get hurt you think people can achieve triple axels without getting hurt a little bit. xkbx
uhhh no. figure skating is in an ice arena...
No, a pinwheel is not a figure skating jump. It is a skating move the a group of skaters can do.
You can train for figure skating at your town/city's arena. Training for figure Skating can vary. You need to learn the basics of the sport, the jumps and spins, and the stuff inbetween also known as foot work. Every skater is different. It may take longer for someone to land a simple axel jump than for another.
The sport figure skating was first played in 1772. A Treatise on Skating (1772) by Englishman Robert Jones, is the first known account of figure skating.
People usually learn and do figure skating at an arena
U.S. Figure Skating was created in 1921.
It is possible to hurt after ice skating, but it is not likely.