You get what you pay for. Expensive skates are usually worth the money, however cheaper skates are usually pretty good too.
Note: They're made in China, so its unlikely the build quality will approach handmade custom skates from the United States, Canada, Japan, Netherlands and such.
Mike V. and Me
The 'V' position refers to the position of the individuals skates.
A "v" speed rating is good for 149 mph.
V. Fox has written: 'Marketing of microcomputers in the United Kingdom'
Besides the nominate subspecies, Vulpes lagopus lagopus, four other subspecies of this fox are described:Bering Islands Arctic fox, V. l. beringensisIceland Arctic fox, V. l. fuliginosusPribilof Islands Arctic fox, V. l. pribilofensisGreenland Arctic fox, V. l. foragorapusis
There is only one species but 5 subspecies:Besides the nominate subspecies, Vulpes lagopus, four other subspecies of this fox are described:Bering Islands Arctic fox, V. l. beringensisIceland Arctic fox, V. l. fuliginosusPribilof Islands Arctic fox, V. l. pribilofensisGreenland Arctic fox, V. l. foragorapusis
Speed is equal to the change in distance over the change in time, or V = D/T where V is speed, D is distance and T is time. If you mean the drug "amphetamine" know as "speed" the formula is C9H13N (1-phenylpropan-2-amine) Correction: [No, actually V doesn't stand for speed, V is velocity.] Correction to the correction v with an arrow above it is velocity. small case v is speed but in this formula the capitol V is volume so that is wrong
Vixen - female fox.
A vixen is a female fox.
kinetic energy is proportional to square of speed. ke=.5m*v*v
The symbol for speed is "v" and the symbol for velocity is "v" with an arrow on top to indicate its direction.
S is usually used for position and v for velocity or speed.