yes and no, no because its hard to take care of all the sled dogs. yes because its better for the environment.
One of the dangers of using a plastic sled, is that plastic sleds can break much more easier than wooden sleds. Plastic sleds can also go much faster than wooden sleds, which make it a little bit more dangerous.
because hail can hurt you but snow can't
YEAH brilliant for boarding
plank sleds are used for getting around faster than walking so that you can save time
cause you'll sink into the snow
those machines are the same
Yes! Snow is much better than rains. When snow fall starts, everything looking clean and white. But when rain starts, everything become dirty and muddy............
the ford flex is absolutely brilliant in snow is better than a monster truck
it is 6x better than humans
They are very little different. The tires are much more important and real snow tires are far better than all season tires.