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Q: An 80kilogram skier slides on waxed skis along a horizontal slope of snow at constant velocity while pushing with his poles What is the horizontal component of the force pushing him forward?
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Why the horizontal velocity component remains constant and the vertical velocity component continuously changes during projectile motion?

The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming no air resistance), so the velocity remains unchanged. The vertical velocity component changes due to the force of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downward, increasing its velocity as it falls.

Which of the velocity component of projectile changes and other remain constant why?

The vertical velocity component changes due to the effect of gravity, which causes acceleration in the downward direction. The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming air resistance is negligible).

How is the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile affected by the vertical component?

The horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is not affected by the vertical component. They are independent of each other. The horizontal velocity remains constant as long as there are no external forces acting on the projectile.

Why does the vertical component of velocity for a projectile change with time where as the horizontal component of velocity doesn't?

The vertical component of velocity changes due to the influence of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downwards as it moves. The horizontal component of velocity remains constant because there is no horizontal force acting on the projectile, assuming air resistance is negligible.

Is horizontal component of velocity is constant for ball thrown upward?

No, the horizontal component of velocity remains constant for an object in projectile motion as long as no external forces act horizontally on the object. In the case of a ball thrown upward, the horizontal component of velocity remains unchanged unless affected by air resistance or other external forces.

How can the horizontal velocity of a projectile be described?

The horizontal velocity of a projectile remains constant if there is no air resistance or external forces acting horizontally. This means that the horizontal component of the projectile's velocity does not change throughout its trajectory, only its vertical component is affected by gravity.

Is the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile affected by the vertical component?

No, the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is not affected by the vertical component. The horizontal velocity remains constant as long as there are no external forces like air resistance acting on the projectile.

What is the component of projectile motion is not influenced by gravity?

The horizontal component of projectile motion is not influenced by gravity. This means that the object will continue to move horizontally at a constant velocity, regardless of gravity acting on it.

What are two velocity components of projectile motion?

The two velocity components of projectile motion are the horizontal component and the vertical component. The horizontal component remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical component changes due to the acceleration of gravity.

Why does the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile remain constant while the vertical component changes?

The horizontal component of velocity remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (in the absence of air resistance). The vertical component changes due to the force of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downwards.

Why if the object moves as a projectile the X component of the velocity is constant and the Y component change at the same rate?

In projectile motion, the only acceleration acting on the object is in the vertical direction due to gravity. This causes the vertical component of velocity to change over time while the horizontal component remains constant since there is no acceleration acting in the horizontal direction.

In the absence of air friction does the horizontal component of a projectile?

The horizontal component of a projectile's velocity remains constant in the absence of air friction. This means the projectile will continue to move horizontally at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external force.