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This could be a lot of reasons. Are you sure it is the correct caliber of ammunition? The bullet could be too long, and engaging the rifling...It could be an extractor problem...Are they reloads or handloads?

Any more info would definitely help.

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Q: Why do you have problems locking the bolt down after chambering a shell?
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basically like a normal machine gun its just smaller for better maneuverability. A submachine gun works by cycling the bolt carrier rearwards to cock the weapon. When the bolt carrier is released by depressing the trigger, it moves forward chambering a round, locking the bolt and then firing. The recoil from the round unlocks the bolt and pushes the bolt carrier rearwards again which strips the round from the chamber and ejects it from the weapon.

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Looking into the engine compartment from the passenger side you you will see two large bolts and a smaller bolt on the alternator. The large upper bolt is the pivot bolt, the lower bolt is the locking bolt. The third bolt is used to adjust belt tension. 1. Loosen the alternator locking bolt. You may need a breaker bar to free the bolt. 2. Loosen the pivot bolt. 3. Turn the tension bolt counter clockwise to loosen tension, clockwise to increase tension. 4. Tighten the pivot bolt and locking bolt.

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To secure a bike seat using a locking bolt, the best way is to use a specialized bike seat lock that replaces the existing bolt with a secure locking mechanism. This will help prevent theft and ensure that your bike seat stays in place.

How far does a bolt get inserted into a self locking nut to achieve the self locking feature?

by you assking a stiupid qestion lol idiotic you are

How does a machine gun work?

All machine guns follow a cycle of steps. 1. Pulling the bolt rearward(manually or electrically). It stays there until the trigger is pressed making the bolt carrier move forward. 2. Trigger activation makes the bolt carrier move forward, chambering a round and locking the bolt. 3. Firing the round by striking or electrically activating the primer. 4. Unlocking the bolt and moving the bolt carrier rearwards which unchambers the casing and ejects it out of the weapon. 5. Cycling the next round into the chamber via spring pressure from a magazine or through a cam mechanism from a belt or box.

Which bolt starts the pump and which bolt stops the pump?

There should be a bolt with a locking nut at its base protruding vertically from the top. Hold the bolt (with either a screwdriver, adjustable wrench, or pliers, as needed) and "unlock" the locking nut by turning it counter-clockwise. Now turn the bolt to adjust the pressure. Remember, "down is up" meaning that screwing the bolt down (clockwise) will raise the pressure and turning the bolt up will lower the pressure ("up is down"). Most residential PRV's have an adjusting range of 25 to 75 pounds. Remember to reset the locking nut when you are finished.