There is none on the Mossberg 151M due to the date of manufacture
Serial numbers were not required before 1968.
To determine the date of manufacture of a Mossberg rifle, you can look for the serial number on the firearm. Mossberg typically uses a combination of letters and numbers in their serial numbers. By contacting Mossberg directly or utilizing online resources that catalog Mossberg serial numbers and their corresponding manufacturing dates, you can accurately determine when the rifle was made. Keep in mind that the format and location of the serial number may vary depending on the specific model of Mossberg rifle.
Contact Mossberg Customer Service through their website. That rifle was made by Mossberg for Montgomery Wards. It is a Mossberg Model 742.
There IS no serial number. The Mdl 152 was made from 1968-1957. Serial numbers were not required on rifles and shotguns until the advent of the 1968 Gun Control Act. Does not have one, is not required to have one.
were is the serial number at on a Winchester modal 94 3030 rifle
There is no serial number, the rifle was made before serial numbers were used, Mossberg did not commonly use serial numbers, when they did use them it was like for the model 44's etc. as military trainers.
Your Mossberg was made prior to 1968, and will not have a serial number unless made for the US Military. SNs were not required by law on rifle and shotguns until 1968. Patent Pending means that a patent has been applied for- but not yet granted- on some mechanism in that rifle.
Mossberg IIRC
If you are unable to locate a serial number on your .22 rifle, chances are it was manufactured before 1968. Until that time, .22's were not required to have serial numbers.
Look at the bottom of the rifle at the front of the receiver.
The serial number is located about 3 1/2 inches forward of the center of the trigger guard on the left side of the rifle.
Check the receiver.