From a close relative who has one they just really need to get rid of. Their close family ties along with their need to relieve themselves of the firearm should make a solid recipe for a sweet deal.
You will have to contact Beretta
Both Glock 17 9 mm and beretta 92 fs witch are butter because of their high durability.
No. The Beretta 92 magazine will function in a PT92 - the PT92 is a Beretta 92 manufactured under license. However, the 9mm 92 magazine will not work for the .40 PT99.
Yes, but it requires an adapter to do such, and these are a bit uncommon.
Check with Beretta Customer Service thru their website.
The Beretta 98 used slightly larger 9x21mm ammo (as opposed to 9x19mm that the 92 utilized). Some variations of the 98 also used 7.65mm Luger rounds.
There is no oil tank on any Beretta ever made.
Carlo Beretta, Giuseppe Mazzetti and Vittorio Valle from Beretta's design team all had a hand in creating the Beretta 92, which is what the M9 is.
Most gun dealers will tell you yes, as I have discovered that the majority of them are under the false impression that beretta 92 series mags fit the storm series guns. They do fit and lock in place, however they don't feed properly. The storm series mags are interchangeable between the Cx4 rifle and the Px4 pistols, so long as they are the proper caliber. Just because something fits doesn't mean it's right.....after all, why would beretta make specific mags for the Px4 if the existing mags from the 92 would do the job? Don't be fooled by a dealer who sticks a 92 mag in your gun and says "see? it fits!"
Beretta 92's can vary in price from 100-1000 USD
If you mean "military", it is the Beretta 92.