There may not be one. Federal law did not always require a serial number be present on a firearm. If that rifle was manufactured prior to the 60's, it may not have one.
These savage/stevens model 94c were made from 1929-1942.long before serial numbers were mandated by the gun control act of 1968.So there is a strong possability that your stevens does noy have a serial number.
The serial number range for the Stevens model 520-30 military shotguns is from 30,000-70,000.As to the year of manufacture you will probably have to contact Savage/Stevens directly.
By listing your serial number,and the model number with the caliber your shotguns was chambered in.please include this in your question.
It's your job to provide enough information to identify the gun first. Stevens shotguns were made from about 1865 until 1991 and the assembly number (that MAY be a serial number if it recently manufactured) does not give a clue which model it is.
From the information I can find, if it was made before 1968, it probably doesn't have a serial number. In most cases, the serial number on a gun is pretty well out in the open and visable, usually on the receiver.
try the barrel or receiver.
your savage Stevens model 52a was made between 1933-1937 in the amount of 88,000 guns.
It may not have one. SN's were not required until 1968.
May not have one- not required by law on rifles and shotguns until 1968.
Sure it does, but you probably have to disassemble the firearm to find it.If you think it has value then do such, otherwise sell it for a profit and move on. Your serial number on the 9478 should be on the side of the receiver, and should begin with a letter then numbers
You cannot find out unless you provide the model number with the serial number.