Find a gunsmith and ask for help. Follow owner's manual instructions. Contact the maker if you don't have a manual.
You can find an owners manual for a Savage Arms Foremost model 6670H, 12 gauge shotgun by contacting the company. The phone number to call for the manual is 413 642-4261.
Should be the same as Winchester 1400 shotgun. Email me for a copy of the manual.
Try gun shows.
Numrich Arms should have them.
You can find these numbers in the manual that come with your gun. They are also present on the handle of the gun.
If you don't have a owner's manual, find a gunsmith and ask for help.
You will have to contact Browning and request a owner's manual or find a good gunsmith
Which model? Use the link below to find the manual of your particular model
Follow the instructions in the owner's manual. If you don't have one, find a gun smith.
Not quite sure which model you have. Use the link below to find the owners manual for your gun. Follow the manual for dissassembly.
A guy on eBay has a store called Rediscovered Shooting Treasures (RST). He sells reproductions of the Marlin Model 120 manual.