The Meteor does not seem to have a serial number due to it's age or some other factor.
have you checked with MIDWAY.COM
Do a web search for Nurmich Arms.
I would first look at numrich gun parts.
This is probably a Stevens No 14, also known as the Little Scout. It is a single shot rolling block action manufactured from 1906 to 1910. With the Springfield name, it would have been "priced down" for a boy's first rifle. My catalog lists it from $125 in Poor condition and $300 in Excellent, but if it is truly like new, it could bring more IF you can connect with a Stevens collector who wants it. It would be incredibly helpful to know if your rifle has a rolling block action or a turn bolt action. It seems as though Springfield manufactured at least two types of .22 with the Meteor name on it and possibly more. My own Meteor has a turn bolt action and is essentially the same design as a Springfield model 15, although I haven't yet discovered an interchangable part. The Meteor was a budget bolt action single shot rifle. In nice conditiion it might bring $75. I have one that my Dad used to hunt rabbits in Kansas in the 1930s.
They are available from Numrich thru their website (gunpartscorp) look under Savage- they own the Springfield brand.
Thru website for gunpartscorp. Look under Savage/Stevens/Springfield. They have them in stock for $12.75 plus shipping.
1928 to 1933 I have a Springfield arms model 50 Jr. and it needs a new bolt. Where could I find one? I also would like to know when this gun was made.
.22 bolt action rifle, obsolete.
One can find local rifle range in Springfield MO from the following sources: Andy Dalton Shooting Range, Lucky Gunner, Springfield Rod and Gun, to name a few.