If you are asking about the anschutz model 1416 bolt action pistol?These were made from 1987-1997.If you are asking about the anschutz model 1416 custom rifle this was made from 2000-2007.The anschutz model 1416D fiberglass these Mcmillian stocked rifles were imported in 1991 only.If you are asking about the Anschutz 1416D classic these were produced during 2000-2001 only.
Model 1907 Anschutz are still being made today.
I suggest you contact Anschutz directly. You can e-mail them at JAG-info@anschuetz-sport.com. See the link below for their web page
No public database. Try contacting Anschutz Customer Service thru their website.
You will have to contact Anschutz
I have owned this rifle for years my wife bought it new for me in 1967 and gave 90.00 for it if anyone can tell me what its current worth is i would appreciat it i would guess its condition at 100 percent savage anschutz model 141 in 95% condition is worth 850.00 model 141m 95% condition is worth 950.00 i own one of each and had them appraised last year
You will have to contact the company to find out.
100-500 USD or so
1416 in a non-leap year and 1440 in a leap year.
hi Reccords go back to 1966 and model before that date can only be guessed at Your rifle is probably made just after the war when Anschutz moved to ULM it can be dated by the fittings, ie front strap holder mounted on the under side of the barrel and not the wooden stock, would be pre model 1415 model i have an earlier one with the strap mount under the barrel and just a simple point sight at the end of the barrel, serial 228*** probably 1946-48
Anschutz will tell you for 50 Euros. You can get a rough idea based on the proof test stamp on the barrel, though; take a look at: http://www.anschutz-sporters.com/index.php5?menu=182&sprache=1&frageID=%D7%25%D8%F3%D0Ae%16&FAQID= Mine is serial number 221225 with the pre-1958 stamp; I still don't know its exact year of manufacture, or even what model it is.
what is the model year