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You are looking for the "sight picture". that is formed when you align the rear sight with the front sight and the target. Here is how to find it. At the very end of the barrel on top is the front sight. About 2/3 of the way back and still on top is the rear sight. If you hold the rifle stock to your shoulder and support the front of the weapon with one hand you can look down the barrel. You will notice the rear sight looks something like a V and the front sight will look like a dot. If you move the rifle so that the dot appears to be in the middle of that V you have accomplished your initial "sight picture". Now keeping the dot in the center of the V align that with the target you wish to hit. This is your complete sight picture.

It will take practice to figure out if the wind is affecting you and distance to the target and a lot of other things but that is the correct way to sight the rifle in and should get you started. Good luck.

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Q: What part of the rifle do you look at to hit the center of the target?
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