Double barrel? Single barrel? Model? Need more information in order to be able to answer.
The value of a J Stevens single barrel 410 shotgun from 1922 depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 125.00 and 150.00 as of 2014.
The value of a Savage shot barrel 12 gauge single trigger shotgun depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 450.00 and 550.00 as of 2014.
$25 to $100, depending on condition.
$35 to $90, depending on condition.
The Model 1894 Remington was a side-by-side shotgun. The Model 1893 was a single-barrel shotgun with a side hammer. The 1893 in excellent original condition can bring $300.
An early model Lefever single-barrel 12-gauge shotgun with a 30-inch plain barrel can be found for sale online for $300. This is the price for one that is in excellent condition.
Depending on condition, 30 to 100 dollars.
In 2012, $70-$200 depending on condition.
Need a lot more info to be able to answer. For instance - is this a single barrel pump gun, or a side by side double? Is there a ventilated rib? Any engraving? Overall condition?
We need more info. Is the single trigger selective or not? Does it have a vented rib and/or automatic ejectors? How about a beavertail forearm? The first single trigger used by Ithaca wa made by the Infallible Trigger Co. and was offered after 1914 in the Flues variation. That was replaced by the New Ithaca Double in 1926. In both variations, Ithaca produced 8 different grades, which all have different values. And in every case, value is completely dependent upon original condition. In short, your shotgun, in working order, is worth somewhere between $100 and $40,000.
The value of a 1905 model D single barrel choke bored Diamond Arms shotgun is actually dependent upon a number of things. Most importantly the condition of the shotgun.