The Savage Model 4 was a well-made, accurate arm. Realistically, in average condition its value is about a hundred bucks. The Model 4M variant in .22 WMR (Winchester Magnum Rimfire) would be worth considerably more.
Steve Petranto
What year was the steven savage model 125 made
Answering "What is the value of a 22 caliber Savage Model 6A semi-automatic rifle with walnut stock and scope?"
Value is anywhere between $75.00 and $225.00, depending on the condition of the rifle.
about 100.00
value of a model 49 ithaca 22 caliber rifle
$50-$150, depending on model and condition.
See related links.
The Savage model 6DL-M semi-automatic 22 caliber is valued at$140 in excellent condition. In poor condition, its value is only $40.
I am looking to restore one that I have. Are you willing to sell yours?
what year was savage model 1904 serial # 174724 made