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This pistol was made between 1935-41. Please state the condition of the pistol to get and estimate of value.

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Q: What is the value of a Benjamin air pistol model 177 polished nickel?
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How old is a Benjamin Franklin air pistol?

Which Model are you asking about.

How rare is the Benjamin pistol?

It depends on the Model, Age and Condition of the pistol. Benjamin pistols are still being made today. Benjamin is currently owned by Crosman air gun company.

What is the value of a Raven New Model MP 25 polished stainless steel pistol from the 1980s it has walnut handles nickel finish magazine and is like brand new?

Your raven model MP 25 is not worth much.In the description you describe the current value is kisted at 60 dollars.

How old is Benjamin Franklin model 100 air pistol?

The model 100 was made between 1935-1941.

Where do you find the serial number on a Benjamin franklin model 137 air pistol?

Benjamin made this model from 1946 to 1985, but did not start serializing them until 1957. I also have a Benjamin Franklin that has no serial number. Before 1957 it is not possible to set an exact date. Just know it's OLD. The 137 is a .177 caliber pellet pistol the 132 is a .22 caliber pistol and the 130 is a BB pistol.

Where on the Benjamin Franklin gun is the model number?

It's usually on the breech or the very back of the pistol.

How old is a Benjamin air pistol Model 132 Serial number B46535?

It was made in 1960

What year was the Benjamin Franklin model 137 pellet pistol made?

It was made from 1946 to 1985.

How old is Benjamin Air Pistol Model Number 112?

They were made between 1938 to 1941

What year did the Benjamin Franklin air pistol model 137 come out?

It started in 1946 to 1985

Who makes a 22 cal CO2 pistol?

Benjamin model EB22. Crosman model 2240. Benjamin Marauder Air or C02 Pistol. All 3 of these are .22 cal C02 air pistols, There are several others but they are spring or pneumatic not C02 systems

What is the value of a model 95 Stevens single barrel shotgun with a polished nickel receiver and butt plate?

Under $100.