This would be worth 500 to 2500 dollars depending on the condition. This is a valuable shotgun if someone is desiring to sell.
100-1000 usd
100-10000 or more depending on model
Requires professional evaluation.
50-500 uSD
Impossible to answer if you don't at least say if it is a rifle, shotgun or handgun.
70-700 usd
If it is an auto-5 shotgun than 1938.
To determine the exact value of a Browning automatic 20 gauge shotgun made in Belgium, a couple factors would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these things are the age and condition of the shotgun.
With the serial number 2m-83490,you have a Browning auto-5 standard weight shotgun that was manufactured in Belgium for Browning in the year 1962.The value will range in price from 375-550 dollars,depending on the overall condition of the shotgun and a good bore.
If your Browning lightweight model auto-5 shotgun was made in Belgium,then the value will be between 415-630 dollars for a vent rib barreled model.If it has a plain barrel then between 340-450 dollars.This represents a shotgun having between 60%-90% of it,s original finish remaining,and a good bore.If yours is a Miroku made shotgun then the value will be between 350-525 dollars for the same amount of original finish remaining.
Based on description 100-500
I am trying to find out the value of my Browning Acier Special C 12 guage Shotgun KG 8663 Serial number 307368