From a benchrest, with supports. However, if you mean firing without external equipment, prone. Next steadiest- sitting, then kneeling, standing supported. Standing, offhand is the least steady position.
Firing from a benchrest. Next most stable is prone, followed by sitting, then kneeling. Standing unsupported is the least steady.
The prone position is where the shooter lays flat on their stomache with the rifle pointed toward the target. The prone position is the steadiest and most comfortable of the shooting positions
Standing offhand, kneeling, sitting, prone.
With a rifle, the most stable position is either prone, or firing supported by a bench rest.
Well, since you did not TELL us the following, we have to guess. The standard positions are standing (also called offhand) kneeling, sitting and prone.
If you look at the bolt face, a center fire rifle will have the firing pin located in the center of the bolt. A rimfire rifle will have the firing pin located on the outside edge of the bolt.
In a hand stand, criss cross apple sauce, on your face, and finally my personal favorite face down on your wiener.
Steps performed in firing
The standard positions include standing offhand, standing supported, kneeling, sitting, prone.
It fires .22 Long Rifle bullets, and leaves behind shell casings when you eject them from the cylinder after firing.
There was a recall related to the firing pins on the Model 100. The pin is subject to breakage and could stick in the forward position resulting in the gun slam-firing. Contact us for directions or futher information on repairing the rifle.