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It depends on which target. There are hundreds of different types of targets available.

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Q: What is the regulation dimensions for handgun practice target?
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Can a minor shoot a handgun?

In general it is legal, as long as the minor is participating in some legal form of target practice of competition.

What is the urban definition of deagle?

Deagle is a shortened term for Desert Eagle. A Desert Eagle is a powerful handgun produced for the Israeli military. The gun is typically used for target practice.

How do you say target practice in Spanish?

Target practice is: ejercicios de tiro al blanco.

What is a plinker pistol?

Usually means a handgun used for infomal target shooting (plinking)

Can an 11 year old use a handgun?

It depends on where you are. In the U.S. 11 year old children cannot own a handgun, but it is legal under federal and most states' laws to possess the handgun for legal purposes such as hunting and target shooting.

What are the release dates for Army Target Practice - 1913?

Army Target Practice - 1913 was released on: USA: 6 March 1913

What are the ratings and certificates for Target Practice - 2008 II?

Target Practice - 2008 II is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+ (2012)

What pistol is better for target practice?

One that is designed for Target Shooting. They're called Target Pistols."

Does up-regulation involve the loss of receptors and prevents the target cells from overreacting to persistently high hormone levels?

No, up-regulation involves an increase in the number of receptors on target cells in response to low hormone levels, which enhances the cell's sensitivity to the hormone. This helps the target cells respond more effectively to the hormone.

What are the release dates for Manhunt - 1959 Target Practice 1-24?

Manhunt - 1959 Target Practice 1-24 was released on: USA: 1960

What is the shooting range of a handgun?

It depends on the handgun. Some are not good for much beyond arm's length. Of the pistols I have fired, the one with the longest range was a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver. Can't remember the model, but it was accurate to at least 200 yards, very good for a handgun. I have seen target pistols with adjustable sights which can certainly do better, but some of these are practical for nothing except target shooting. For an automatic handgun, 60 to 100 yards is probably the maximum practical range in the hands of someone who is skilled with it.

What are the release dates for The Practice - 1997 Target Practice 3-17?

The Practice - 1997 Target Practice 3-17 was released on: USA: 7 March 1999 Germany: 16 August 2000 Hungary: 24 June 2010