Prices will vary depending on age and condition of this shotgun. An average price right now is running around $1,295.00.
16 gauge arm shotgun made in palmetto c. o. Philadelphia Pa
50-150 USD
I just paid 650 Canadian for one in "very good" condition. I paid $750 CDN for one in "VG - GD" and am very happy with the gun. $650 is a steel@.
Over the years, several. One was the French Darne.
please give price 16ga.
An arm or an eagle.
Turn of the century, inexpensive arm.
The longest shotgun shell that you can safely use in your 12 gauge shotgun are 3 inchers.
The gauge of a shotgun is the way the size of the bore is measured. In this case, gauge is the number of balls of lead of that diameter that would equal one pound of lead. So, a 12 gauge would take a ball that weighs 1/12th of a pound and a 20 gauge would take a ball that weighs 1/20th of a pound. In other words, a 12 gauge is a larger shell than a 20 gauge.
The value of ANY firearm is based on the exact make, model and condition, You did not give us enough information (serial number provides none of the 3 items we need). Eastern Arms was a brand name used by Savage for guns sold mainly by Sears. Value in good condition is likely around $100.
All right...what about it? There is no question there. how old is it