What condition is the model 80 in. No estimate can be give without more information.
They were manufactured from 1977 - 83. Or you can contact them at the link below.
$30 - $80. Low quality firearms intended to be low cost.
The model 80 was made between 1977 -1983. Apx 48,000 were made. See the link Below for their home page. You may want to ask them for more information
This model 80 was made between 1977-1983. Approx 48,000 were made. It's a side lever, spring piston model. It's nice that it's still in the box but that doesn't tell me anything about the condition of the pistol. On average (in good condition) it's worth around $350. If you can tell me more then I can give you a better estimate of value. This pistol can be very expensive.
I was informed by an owner of a Johnson Model 80 Sidewinder Reel that his reel had an estimated appraised value of around $65.00. He also stated that he figured the Johnson Model 22 Sidewinder was a predecessor to the Model 80 Sidewinder and therefor probably worth around $75.00 to $100.00, or maybe even a little more. I'm not sure if this is true or not, so if anyone else out there has a more informed estimated value I'd greatly appreciate hearing it. Thanks, and I hope this at least helps a little bit as to the answer to the question as to what the Johnson Model 22 Sidewinder Reel is worth. Sincerely; Farmhandcowboy10
The estimated value of a Jennings model J-22 pistol is between $80-$150 dollars depending on finish and condition. They are becoming more rare and are going up in value rapidly. They are a part of the Ring of Fire pistols and have a unique place in history as the original "Saturday Night Special", which may ultimately make them a must-have with collectors or "mouseguns".
25-80 USD
There was no Remington Model 11-80. The Model 11-87 was/is not produced in .410. The Model 1100 semiauto and the Model 11-48 semiauto were. sales@countrygunsmith.net
value depends on overall ondition............
value is based on overall condition....................
80-200 dollars at the most.
300-700 USD depending on condition