Best for what? 38 Wadcutter is a flat front bullet used in target competition, that is highly accurate, has low recoil, and clips a neat clean hole in a paper target. Heavier solid bullets are used for hunting, and fast light hollow point bullets are used for defense.
There is no ONE "best" of any firearm. The Ruger .22 autos with target barrels and sights are among the most common, the High Standard Supermatic Citations have been used in competition for years, and Olympic Match quality guns like the Hammerli have been used as well.
For what? Accuracy, target shooting or beasts of the forest?
There is no one single best caliber, but to get an answer, you need to be a little more specific. Rifle or handgun? Define long distance. 50 yards? 100 yards? 1000 yards?
Depends on condition, accessories, etc. Best estimate 400-1000
There are a number of excellent 45 caliber target pistols from big name gun manufacturers like Colt, Remington, Springfield, H&K, Kimber, etc. At the entry level of competition, any of these company products are almost certainly more accurate than the shooter, so the primary determinant of "best" is usually not about accuracy, but more about how well the pistol fits your hand, manages the tradeoff between weight and felt recoil, quality of sight picture, price, durability, etc. At the world class level, competitors use highly customized weapons that are often custom built for them. The best approach to finding the right 45 caliber target pistol is probably to find an entry level weapon and put several thousand rounds through it. When you have developed the skill to actually tell the difference between weapons in the entry level class, you will have enough experience to know what you like and don't like about high end, more customized guns.
One can purchase the Logitech Harmony 1000 Universal Remote from a number of stores and online retailers. They can be bought from eBay, Amazon, Target and Best Buy.
There is no one "Best" of any firearm- depends on what you want to do. I have some Mossberg target rifles from the 1940s that are incredibly accurate benchrest rifles- but they would make very poor hunting rifles due to the sights, the slow reloading, and the weight- almost twice what a light sporter weighs. My Winchester auto is a great little hunting rifle- light, fast, open sights- but would be a horrible rifle in a 50 meter competition.
There is no one "best" for everything. A Hammerli Olympic grade target pistol may be an excellent firearm for one specific competition, and fare poorly in another. A Ruger Mk III may be the leader in another competition, but is far to big for easy concealed carry as a defensive firearm. Depends on what you want the pistol to do.
Depends on the target and your bank account. I know guys who can make 1000 yard shots with $500 rifles and guys with $10,000 rifles that couldn't make a shot that long if their life depended on it.
Rifles: Lowest caliber = .357, highest caliber = .44mag Pistols: Lowest caliber = .38, highest caliber = .454mag or a .50AE
There are many great long range caliber with a varying degree of recoil. 6.5x55 also known as 6.5 Swede or 6.5 Swedish mauser is often regarded as one the best examples. <><><> Agree with above. Another is the 7mm-08, and the .243. There are several 6mm cartridges developed especially for laong range target shooting.