is that the serial number of a model A ford ?? or firearms ?? If a firearm, who made it and what is the model ????
is that the serial number of a model A ford ??? or firearm?? If a firearm, which firearms, who made it and what model............?????
Model 70 winchester serial number 432523 chambered in 416 rigby
e The serial number you listed is not a Model 58 serial number. the serial number starts with an "S"
What model would it be? which model ?????????
Yes, the age of a Model 94 can be determined by the serial number. Bert H.
firearm manufacturing dates are bascially contained in the serial number, and sometimes the model. so, the serial number and model are important to learn the age of a weapon.
Impossible to answer with only the serial number.
the age of a model 12 shotgun can be determined by the serial number.
No such serial number in the Model 60 range.
Impossible to answer without the serial number.
No way to answer without a serial number.