The Stevens Model 67 Pump Shotgun was available in 12, 20 & 410 ga. and discontinued from production in 1989. Originals are blued with a walnut stock & built on a steel receiver, 3" chambers and 5 shot tube magazine. Barrel lengths and choke systems varied considerably. Currrent worth per the 2008 Encyclopedia of Firearms of Gun Digest publications is as follows: (of course the grades are based on NRA standards. If unfamiliar check out the NRA grading system..) Excellent = $250, VG = $175, Good = $150, Fair = $100, Poor = $75 This assumes all operational parts are present and it's in safe working order. I hope this provides the information you needed if any further feel free to contact me though I am primarily into Black Powder I grew up shooting & have a decent working knowledge & interest in all things shooting related. 12/12/09 "DOC" Jim Ramski Vernon, TX
Buy parts for 410 Stevens model 67 pump shot gun.
I can say that the Stevens model 67 was discontinued in the year 1989.
I have parts for that model.
50-200 USD
All that I can say is that your Stevens model 67 slide action shotgun has not been made since 1989.I believe that this model was made from 1986-1989.
100-300 USD
135.00 $
Stevens model 67 e 12Ga is worth $75-125 +\- 10% for condition and age
You can purchase the pistol grip for a Stevens model 67 series E 12 gauge shotgun at most gun stores and at most gun shows. You can also purchase this type of accessory at hunting supply stores.
It a Savage models ... 30D, 30E, 30F or Stevens model 67
Get a copy of the Gun Digest Shotgun Assembly/Disassembly manual. It should have the Mod 67.