I just bought a Stevens Model 512 Gold wing 12 Ga. at Cabela's for $599.00
i think it is an abbreviation for Beretta or benelli
Best left to a professional. Find a gunsmith
Made in Turkey
Yes it does I have one.
Model 512 of what and make...?Need more info.
Please tell me how to install the bolt in a Remington Model 512
i need some info the on marlin 512 cockmaster
your Remington model 512 was made from 1940-1962,with a total production of 395,000 guns.
Well, it would help to know which gun your model 512 is, but for now I will assume it is a Remington SportsMaster 512. The bolt stop may be worn, broken or dirty. Take it to a gunsmith for examination and repair as needed. Parts wear out.
I have a 20 o/u and it doesn't have auto ejectors..... doubt if the 12 does.