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Feet per second, referring to how fast a BB pellet travels.

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Q: What does fps stand for in airsoft?
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What does FBS stand for as in airsoft guns?

Sure than is not FPS? Feet per second- velocity of the projectile.

What fps is a M3000 airsoft shotgun?

280 fps

What is the fps of an airsoft Thompson?

it depends what kind?

How many fps does a c02 propelled airsoft gun pellet fly?

Well, the legal FPS for an airsoft gun is 450, but you can get snipers, AEG's, etc. that run up to 600 FPS and beyond.

Which airsoft gun should you get a spring ak47 fps-300 airsoft gun or a m14 spring sniper rifle fps 390 airsoft gun?

go for the m14, unless its cheap looking.

What fps is crosman stinger re4 tactical airsoft rifle clear?

360 fps

How much fps does the well mb06 sr 2 airsoft gun have?

It has 450 fps

What fps is good for an airsoft beginner?

300fps- 400

What spring airsoft pistol has the highest fps rate?

I don't no about spring, but the Green Gas M700 Sniper Rifle Competition Professional Airsoft gun, has 720-FPS!!!! And the, Spring CSI L96 Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle, has 550-FPS. They are both from, Hobby

What is the airsoft miniguns fps?

Airsoft miniguns can shoot at a variety of fps's, it can range from aroudn 200-700 fps. These guns are not very accurate however have a very high rate of fire, and is mainly used to spray around the enemy

Is 500 fps slow or fast?

For and airsoft gun. Yes that is 200 fps over the CQB limit

How many fps is a good airsoft gun?

at minimum 330.