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A Remington 700

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Q: What does a m40 sniper rifle look like?
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What is the normal gun for a us sniper?

M40 rifle, M24 rifle, M110 SASS (semi-auto sniper system), or M82.

Can a 243 Remington 700 BDL be converted to a M40 or M40A1 Sniper Rifle?

a good start would be ordering a stock from McMillan, like the a5

In what year was the M40 rifle introduced?

The M40 rifle was introduced in 1966. It is a bolt-action sniper rifle used by the United States Marine Corps, or USMC. It is still being used. It was previously used in wars such as the Vietnam War and the Iraq War.

Is a m40 a submachinegun?

No its a sniper of the vietnam war

What is the best sniper on cod4?

ben rosser awsome with m40 acog blue tiger

What snipers did they use in sniper 1 and 2 and 3 movies?

Assuming you mean which sniper rifle (as it is quite obvious from the plot who the actual sniper was), the weapons used over the series include: * M40 (customised Remington 700); * H&K SR9T (a target-shooting variant); * SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle); * Mosin Nagant M91/30 (mislabelled as a Mauser in the film). Other weapons are used in the third film, but no record of their make could be found.

What is the best anti tank rifle in terms of penetration?

M40 106mm recoilless rifle.

What is the most popular sniper rifle in the world?

Present day: Barrett 50 Cal On a contradictory note, heavy weapons like the Barrett M107 are typically reserved for niche role applications, and rifles such as the M24, M40, Dragunov SVD, etc. are much more commonplace on the battlefield.

What is the manufacturer of a 308 Sniper Rifle known as a Kate?

Short answer is Remington. But it is a mix of parts. The action is that of a Remington 700. The above is the Army sniper rifle. Gibbs used the Marine m40. In the episode you're referring to, the rifle Ari used was a Bravo 51, chambered in .308 Lapua. This rifle doesn't exist. There is a Bravo 51, but it is chambered in .338 Lapua. There is no .308 Lapua. The Bravo 51 is named "Kate" and the rifle is only available in .338 Lapua. This platform is available in other calibers, but have different names. The TV show mixed stuff, but it's just a show.

What sniper rifles do elite sniper squads use?

Varies by country, force and environment. It could be a bolt action (such as the M24 and M40, Sako TRG, etc.), or a semi automatic system (such as the M110, SR-25, PSG-1, etc).

What is an affordable sniper rifle?

One you make. Here's what you need: Start with a Remington 700. The Marines do--the M40 sniper rifle is based on the Remington 700. Bed the barrel and install a competition trigger. You can get heavy barrels for the 700, but if you're thinking about getting one, try firing the weapon with the barrel unbedded and see if it's about accurate enough for you--once you bed the barrel you can't change it without changing the stock too. Then install a Leupold scope, and you've got a very good-shooting weapon.

Was the 30.06 used as a sniper round in Vietnam?

There was some use of it, yes. Carlos Hathcock often used a Winchester Model 70 in .30-06 rather than the standard issue M40.