Without changing the bolt, the 110 can be fitted with barrels in 7mm-08, 35 Whelen, 30-06, 270, 26-06, .308, 243, and .280.
the rate of twist i probably 9" or 1 in 9" not to sure.
The Stevens will accept whatever caliber designation is stamped on the side of the barrel.
Savage, any other barrel maker, let a gunsmtih install it.
A used 110 in 30.06 caliber in decent shape should be between three and four hundred dollars in most parts of the country.
100-300 or so
The Savage model 110 is a repeating bolt-action rifle. The Savage model 110E is the same as the Savage model 110.
yes...i have a savage model 110 fns in a 257 roberts.....great shooter..it said on the box when i bought it that it was a special order rifle
take it to a gunmsith
Yes I believe that the Savage model 110E and the regular model 110 will share the same scope Mounts.
Model number
I think Savage did. sorry it was not a savage. the revelation model 110 was a marlin model 81.
Walmart sold them in the mid 1990's. They had a 18" barrel. I think they sold for around $280.00 with no sights.