im pretty sure you sight it in like every other scope as long as you keep the parellax in mind. sight in at 75 yards
Two methods- one uses a long eye relief scope, and the mount is ttached to the ear sight base- known as a "Scout" mount. The other method uses a scope mount that is attached by drilling and tapping the reciever- but the bolt handle must be modified to a bent shape to clear the scope.
That is a difficult rifle to scope, and I have not seen a reciever mount other than the PU type. Some folks have used a long eye relief scope, and mounted it to the rear sight base. Sorry-
You mount it the same way you mount a scope. The rifle or gun must have an 11MM or Weaver mount on the barrel for the red dot to attach to.
Hello: Weaver offers a scope base for the Marlin Model 512 Slugmaster, contact Weaver for a complete package. Thanks side scope mount (Weaver 10M)
Savage 325c rear peep?
From what I understand, having researched this in detail today, is, you don't..... That is, the rear sight is dovetailed in to the barrel, and the front sight is screwed on . In order to sight in the rifle, you would need to use a small brass headed hammer and 'tap' the sight in order to adjust the point of aim. There are options for mounting a peep sigth, such as from Williams Gun Sight, which has the ability to adjust for elevation and windage quite easily. Alternatively, you could mount a scope. Apparently, some of the earlier models require having to drill and tap holes in the side of the receiver in order to mount the scope base.
i would assume so you would most likely just need and scope mount (its like a rail) which would replace you rear sight then a scope will slide onto that
No, it was not.
One can be made
a mount that fits on rail fitted to a gun that alows a sight to be seen higher above the gun, making it easier to aim.
Would depend on the gun and size scope tube. The tube would be either 1" or 30mm. Could be side mount top mount etc...More info needed
Ebay has usually side mounts that fits the Savage 340 , Glenfield side mounts