Nearly all current and out of production rifles can be rebarrelled. Original and drop in barrels can often be located, but as firearms become vintage such parts can become scarcities. Furthermore, skilled rifle makers and specialty gunsmiths are able to take barrel blanks and chamber-fit them.
Brownells has replacement stocks for the model 60. You can also go direct to fiberforce to get one.
Custom proposition only AFAIK
That makes two of us looking for replacement stocks for the Marlin Glenfield 30-30. I've tried everyone listed on my computer with no luck. If you find someone who has them please let me know. Thanks, RM.
Cabela's ?
It all depends on where you are located. Finding replacement gun stocks is much more difficult in Washington D.C. than it is in Montana or Texas. Cebella's and Gander Mountain are two well known hunting stores that carry replacement gun stocks.
I am 99% sure the gun and therefore the stocks were made by Universal
The 20 indicates that your gun was made in 1980. Marlin did not checker the stocks on the 39a at that time period.
You can still buy stocks for the 336 from Marlin, or you can buy semi inletted stocks from Precision Gun Stocks, or Treebone Carving. You should also check Ebay, if you don't mind used stocks, as they are often for sale there.
Soft steel barrels and wood stocks. Hardened steel barrels came with smokeless gunpowders in the 20th century. Civil War guns used black gunpowder.
Yes, marlin has now release their thumbhole stocks for models vst and vt to the public. Price is $99, but you have to call them. Their website isn't even updated enough to show the new models, let alone the stocks. The number is listed on the website however. Also, Revival gunstocks has been rumored to sell their tundra for the Marlin, but I haven't been able to confirm this since their phone lines were down when I called them. They list only Ruger 10/22 stocks on their website. This answer is assuming you are talking about the Marlin 917. proably eBay