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Hold one ski up out of the water.

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Q: You fall when skiing behind a boat. What should you do to help the boat operator spot you more quickly?
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What should you do to help the boat operator spot you more quickly when you fall skiing behind a boat?

Raise your arm above your head.

You fall skiing behind a boat what should you do to help the boat operator spot you more quickly?

when some one is water skiing, there should be at least 2 people in the boat, the driver and a person to keep an eye on the skier to make sure that the skier is safe at all times.

When you fall when skiing behind a boat what should you do to help the boat operator more quickly?

If you fell off, and you were without your skis, you should make tons of noise like yelling,"Hey, over here!" If they still do not see you, splash in the water, and if there is a stick nearby you could wave it in the air.

You fall when skiing behind a boat What should you do to help the boat operator spot you more quickly?

If you fell off, and you were without your skis, you should make tons of noise like yelling,"Hey, over here!" If they still do not see you, splash in the water, and if there is a stick nearby you could wave it in the air.

What to do when your skiing and you cant see anything?

Come to a stop as quickly as you can. A lot of people have been killed by skiing into trees.

How is agility used in downhill skiing?

It can be used that if it's a change of possion u can quickly turn around as fast as u can.

What could you put in your speech about skiing?

what skiing involves how long people have been skiing for and when it was invented, by who/ why people enjoy it. a story of when you or family/friends have been(to add humour and make the speech less dry) where the most common places for skiing are why people should, or should not go skiing. in any good speech there muct be an argument or debate that you are fighting for. if you are talking about skiing, try and argue why skiing is better than other winter sports.

Why is Justin Bieber's girfriend in the hospital?

She was in the hospital becuz, she was jet skiing and she fell right where there was a boat behind her.

Where can you research water skiing?

There are many websites that allow you to search water skiing. Do a Google search, this should give you several options.

Did a singer in sleeping with sirens die?

No. Kellin was involved in a hoax where people claimed he died in a skiing accident. However, this was quickly disapproved.

What do you put on your feet to ski?

When one goes skiing it is very important to remember the guidelines of skiing so one does not do any harm to the body as a result of a ski accident. When one is skiing one should wear skis.

Y You should you go to tundra?

You should go to the tundra for sledding, skiing, snow boarding, etc.