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If done properly for a long enough period of time in absolutely will!

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Q: Will rowing running and weights everyday give you abs?
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How would you balance running and karate to prevent leg injuries?

Try to give yourslef a day or two to recover and make sure you do some weights and other types of exercise too.

Do ankle weights increase your height?

No, ankle weights make a more harder to lift which give better results.

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You really shouldn't give chickens medicine everyday. You can buy special feed that has vitamins in it to feed them everyday. You can give the vitamins about once a week in their water.

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When you go to the gym what exercise equipment do you use?

I prefer free weights. Free weights give a superior workout because, unlike machines, free weights require you to use the many stabilizer muscles in your body that do not get worked with machines.

Has anyone tried The Firm weights and do they work?

I have not tried the firm weights. According to testimonials on their website, the weights are excellent, however many have questioned how outstanding they really are. They will definitely give you a workout, but it is up to you to decide if they are worth the price tag