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Q: Why weren't females from America aloud to compete in the 1912 Olympics for swimming?
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Related questions

What is different between modern Olympics and ancient Olympics?

Modern Olympics allow females to compete, they are not nude, and every country is allowed to compete. There is most likely more info, but this is all I know :) Glad to help!

Where girls alowd to compete in the ancient Olympics?

|No, females were not allowed to compete in the Ancient Olympics, because men thought that women weren't strong enough, and the Olympics were for "middle and upper class" men. Wives were low class, simply b/c they were not men. :(

Who could not compete in or even attend the Olympics?

Females - it was a male religious occasion and women had their own events which males could not attend.

What do insects compete for?

sometimes females

How do emperor penguins compete for mates?

Mate selection is up to the female, and it is the females that compete for the males

Do males or females compete in the floor gymnastics event?

They both do.

How many events specifically for females are in the Olympics 2012?


Is there any events specifically for females in the 2012 summer Olympics?

Of course there are!

Do both men and women participate in cross country skiing?

Yes both males and females can compete in downhill skiing.

Which female competitor is playing in 2012 Olympics?

about 7,000 females are taking part

How many Mexicans are competing in the 2008 Olympics?

There will be 85 Mexicans competing in the 2008 Olympics. Forty three females and forty two males.

Who was Barrel Racing originally made for?

Barrel racing like pole bending was made for females so they could compete in rodeos. (they could compete in roping but it wasn't tranditional)