The Viking longboat had a very shallow-draft hull. This meant they could raid far up rivers.
The Viking longboat had a very shallow-draft hull. This meant they could raid far up rivers.
Catamarans are good for sailing in shallow waters
A caravel is a three masted sailing ship using lateen rigged sails.The sails allows the ship to be pushed by the wind, and the ship could change its direction of movement by setting the sails in particular configurations. Steering was done by a rudder.It was a small ship with shallow draught, so it could sail in shallow waters where larger ships could not go. This made it particularly good as a coastal craft, and on rivers; though it could go on the open ocean too.
Captian Good
No Sailing is not good
trade and sailing
A person being asked where a good place to go sailing on a sailing day might suggest places such as Greece, France, The Canary Islands or even Montengro.
Coral reefs are aragonite structures produced by living organisms, found in shallow, tropical marine waters with little to no nutrients in the water.
Some are.
trade and sailing
No one really knows if Justin is shallow or not. but it is a pretyy good guess he is not.