Becasue he thinks it's fun and he has the perfect body.
Michael Phelps has 17 gold medals so far.
Michael Phelps had a record of 50m in 24seconds,reference:shaq vs michael phelps part 1 so it should be around there
They are about 10,000 miles away from each other 805 of the time. And so far, Michael Phelps has no love life.
He is michael phelps Jr.
Michael Phelps has been coached by Bob Bowman since he was 11 years old. He's only ever trained under Bob.
Michael Phelps is an American swimmer as well as the most decorated Olympian of all time. He has 18 Olympic gold medals. Michael Phelps's feet are pictured on the internet.
Micheal Phelps is a great man who won 8 olympic gold medals! He is so amazing because he sacrificed so much to win and it paid off!! In one of his races, he won by one-hundreth of a second!! I was so glad!
I read Michael Phelps No Limits, so I would have to say from 15-17 years old until he started to break records.
Apparently so... Will be able to see footage on Wednesday...
Michael Phelps is extremely successful. He is one of the biggest influences on upcoming swimmers and many swimmers look up to him. His body is built for speed in the water so he is the best there is.