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Unless you're in water, knowing how to swim isn't useful.

But if you end up in deep water, swimming will suddenly be very, very useful. Your life may even depend on it.

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Q: Why is swimming not useful?
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they are useful for swimming

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When are webbed feet useful?

When swimming- it helps to move more swiftly in the water.

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The websites in Related links are useful. They have the information you need for soil and swimming pools.

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It was used for transport, importing/ exporting, swimming and for playing in when it was hot. It was used for transport, importing/ exporting, swimming and for playing in when it was hot.

How can bodies of water (lakes and rivers) be useful for transportation?

By traveling by boat, or maybe even swimming.

Gallons of water in a swimming pool?

It depends on the dimensions of the pool which, you have chosen not to share with us. There can, therefore, be no useful answer.

Can you patch plaster pools?

No Plaster of Paris is too soft and too porous to be useful in any thing to do with a swimming pool.

What make its feet useful for swimming?

the webbed part, it helps them to resist water more... making them swim faster.Depending on the species, different birds have different adaptations that make their feet useful for swimming. Some birds (such as ducks) have webbing between their toes, others (such as moorhens) have flattened toes. In both cases the birds use their feet as paddles.Most birds' feet are not useful for swimming at all, and many species will not even attempt to swim (or are only able to swim very poorly). Ironically, despite being the most iconic swimming birds, penguins do not have any foot adaptations to help them swim. They use their wings to 'fly' through the water.

Why pigs like swimming dirty water?

the mud that pigs use to cover their bodies is a useful tool to prevent themselves from the stinging of insects.

Why is swimming useful?

It certainly is when you fall in deep water. or have to get out of a flooded area, and it is also good exercise.It helps you survive in water to keep your head above and breath.