Lol 'soaked' water makes ice skating easier because it makes the ice smoother. The smoother the ice is the less friction there is between the blades of the skates and the ice. If there is less friction you dont have to work as hard to go faster, because the ice is more slippery. ice skaters like this becaues the ice is less bumpy and that means less a chance of fallin over and it is also easier to do different things on the ice. Trust me im a figure skater.
Not really, you just have to have good balance.
Chia seeds should be soaked for at least 20 minutes to maximize their benefits, as this helps release their nutrients and make them easier to digest.
it will do nothing but it will make the biger
Fries should be soaked in water for at least 30 minutes before cooking to remove excess starch and make them crispier.
you can feed them water soaked raisins or bits of apples.
soaked in vinger then processed in the oven
yes, they should be soaked over night
Soaking chia seeds before consuming them is not necessary, but it can make them easier to digest and may enhance their nutritional benefits.
in water
why does adding water to an acid make it eaiser to deal with
It depends what the object is. If it can soak up water then yes. If it is made of plastic then no.
No, just make sure they are totally under water and under refrigeration