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Lol 'soaked' water makes ice skating easier because it makes the ice smoother. The smoother the ice is the less friction there is between the blades of the skates and the ice. If there is less friction you dont have to work as hard to go faster, because the ice is more slippery. ice skaters like this becaues the ice is less bumpy and that means less a chance of fallin over and it is also easier to do different things on the ice. Trust me im a figure skater.

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Is soaked an adverb?

An adverb is a descriptive word that modifies a verb. 'Soaked' does not modify a verb (eg the sentence "Dave soaked glanced at Karen, who melted" does not make sense, because 'soaked' isn't an adverb), and therefore is not an adverb. In a sentence that uses 'soaked': "Dave soaked Karen at the water gun festival, and thereafter she was soaked," 'soaked' is used first as a past-tense verb, and second as predicate adjective modifying 'Karen.' Therefore, one may conclude that 'soaked' is not an adverb.