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cauz its kool

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Q: Why does a swimmer need a mesomorph body?
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Related questions

What is the most common body type among individuals: ectomorph, endomorph, or mesomorph?

The most common body type among individuals is mesomorph.

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What is an endomorph?

this refers to one of the 3 principle body types mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph endomorph describes a fat body type mesomorph--> muscular body type ectomorph--->thin/skinny body type

What are the body types?

ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph as far as I know.

Check the area that applies to a mesomorph body type?


Is a mesomorph a person who is neither fat nor thin?

A mesomorph is a specific body type characterized by a structured and muscular build with low body fat. It is one of the three main somatotypes, along with ectomorphs (lean and long) and endomorphs (round and soft). Being a mesomorph does not necessarily mean a person is neither fat nor thin, as body fat levels can vary among individuals of this body type.

Which body type is described as having a young appearance mesomorph ectomorph or endomorph?

Ectomorph body type is often associated with a lean and youthful appearance due to its characteristic slim build and low body fat percentage.

Is Will Smith a mesomorph?

Will Smith is ecto-mesomorph

Who is a famous person with a mesomorph body type?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a good example of a very mesomorphic body type.

What body type is Lionel messi?

I am honestly not sure... but I would assume that he is a mesomorph + endomorph

Which body type is described as having a young appearance mesomorph ectomorph endomorph?

Which body type is described as having a young appearance

What should the body composition of a swimmer be?

It should be "lean and mean". The swimmer doesn't need to have an excess of muscle, or else it will counter the stroke pattern and will mess you up. Also the swimmer doesn't need to have an excess of body fat, which reduces your hydrodynamic form. But there doesn't need to be a large absence of either muscle of fat either, or else you won't be strong enough to swim quickly, or have enough energy. The body composition should be in between these two extremes. Although if one works their core (abs) more than the typical person, it isn't counter-effective to the stroke.