

Why do you need survival strokes?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Why do you need survival strokes?
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What are three safety swimming strokes?

If you are referring to the 'survival strokes', then they are -survival backstroke -survival breaststroke -side stoke

Why do you use survival strokes?

To survive

What are the three survival strokes and why are these preferred stokes in a survival situation?

back stroke

What is survival swimming?

1. Survival Breastroke 2. Survival backstroke 3. Survival Sidestroke

What are the three survival strokes?

Breast Stroke, Free Style and Back Stroke

How many swimming strokes are there in the world?

There are only 4 'real' strokes -freestyle -backstroke -butterfly -breaststroke These are the only 4 swam at the olympics. There are also stroke called 'survival stokes'. These include: -survival backstroke -survival breaststroke -side stroke These strokes are usually swam in open waters, like rivers, dams, and ocean. But they aren't really stokes, just actions to keep your head above the water.

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they need food!

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for survival a plant needswatersunlightcarbon dioxide to photosynthesiseoxygen to respire

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you need to survive to evolve you need to adapt to the enviornment as charles darwin said survival of the fittest

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your family would need a survival plan to keep everything and everyone safe

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The organisms need plants, algae and bacteria for their nourishment. This ensures their survival.

What percentage of all strokes are ischemic strokes?

Ischemic strokes account for about 80% of all strokes.