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If you don't the oxygen in the compressed air will come out of solution as the pressure reduces as you surface. If that happens, oxygen bubbles can get into the blood stream, causing a condition known as the bends. Depending on the severity of the bends (which takes into account MANY different conditions), it can range from pain in the joints, to death.

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Q: Why do you have to take the time to surface during scuba diving?
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What careers are there in scuba diving?

Dive into the finest scuba diving experience at Rasdhoo, Maldives! Our diving experts have tremendous experience assisting people in experiencing life under the sea. Rasdhoo Diving is not only a magical experience but an entry ticket to a whole new world. You may as well learn from the best in the Maldives. We at Jerrys dive club specialize in scuba Instructor training and have a range of full and part-time programs to accommodate anyone interested in experiencing scuba diving. We also train scuba divers who wish to take up scuba diving as their career.

What do you need to know to be a scubadiver?

To be a Scuba Diver you have to take a course in scuba diving which varies in cost depending on how old you are or where you are in the world .

Can scuba diving affect driving after words if you have 2 beers?

scuba diving? no (see the previous answer that YOU submitted a few minutes ago) having 2 beers? yes you seem pretty concerned with YOUR ability to drive. why not just get a friend to drive when you go SCUBA diving? when the diving is over, drink until you pass out and have your friend take you home.

Can I take the Canon PowerShot D10 digital camera scuba diving?

If you buy the right water proof cover for it.

What type of verbal is to scuba dive?

It is very hard to, but you can. You mostly communicate with hand signals in scuba diving, however. There are expensive tools to communicate with a type of 2-way radio underwater.AdditionActually you can. There are several ways. One is through bone conduction, If you place your chin on the other divers head and then talk, you can be understood. If you are close to their ear, you can also just talk. And still another way is if you have a glove, you can take it off and fill it with air and then talk into the glove. Of course the closer you are to their ear the easier they can understand you. If you are wearing hoods, these methods are more difficult to be understood.

Do you have to go to college to scuba dive?

No, you do not have to go to college, but you do need specific training. They usually have this training at something like a YMCA or something similar. This training, while expensive, allows you to take multiple dives, lessons, and a test to get your diving certification card. This card allows you to dive, but you should never (I repeat, NEVER) go diving alone. This card allows you to get scuba gear and gas for scuba diving.

Discover local diving participants must have proof of certification as an entry-level scuba diver or higher?

Yes the diver must already have a diving qualification to take part in a discover local diving. Otherwise they could parting in a discover scuba diving with requires no previous training and should involve a confined water session followed by an optional sea dive. Noeleen Aquanauts Plymouth

What sport would you like to take up if you like being upside down?

Bungee Jumping / Rock Climbing & Rappelling (Aussie Style) / Sky Diving / Scuba Diving

What exactly can you tell me about leisure pro?

Leisure Pro is a company that offers scuba diving equipment and snorkeling gear. If you were going to take a scuba course somewhere you would want to shop for stuff here.

What is the best option for scuba diving in Phuket?

Yeah, Anyone can do scuba phuket diving. There is no need to know about swimming. There are two types of scuba diving One is what beginners do and another is for experienced and certified ones. You just need to learn to take oxygen from the oxygen cylinder which will make you practice for half an hour before moving down the sea. Tourists are not allowed to go deeper than a certain limit since for that you need to learn swimming and you need to be certified for that.

How long do it take to become scuba diver?

Most scuba diving courses can be completed in about 5 days or so. PADI's Open Water Diver course has an online portion or in-class work which takes a couple evenings, and two days of actually diving - SSI and NAUI have similar programs, but resorts tend to take a little longer than independent shops.

What education and training is required to become a scuba diver?

The interesting thing about scuba diving, is legally, there are no licenses or certifications required. The problem arises, however, that while scuba is an extremely safe sport, some training is required to make it safe. And from a liability standpoint, dive shops, and dive resorts will not rent gear, or take people diving unless they can show a scuba license (or C-Card - certification card) from a recognized training agency.You can take classes locally or online that teach scuba diving, and upon graduation from the class, a certification card (which resembles a credit card) with your name, date certified, etc is given. That card will be required in most any location in order to dive.There are different levels of certification, Open Water Scuba Diver, Advanced Scuba Diver, Rescue Diver, Divemaster, Instructor, etc, and by taking additional classes, someone can gather more experience, education and certifications.Beyond recreational diving, there are courses for technical diving including deep, mixed gas, cave diving, etc, and there are also commercial dive courses covering everything from underwater welding, inspection, etc.